Innovations and Structure Solutions to Accelerate the use of Agrivoltaics

A system called agrivoltaics, commonly referred to as "agrophotovoltaics" or "dual-use solar," combines the utilisation of agricultural land and the generation of solar energy. With this method, solar panels are placed above agricultural or animal regions, creating shade while also producing power. Agrivoltaics has the potential to boost sustainable food and energy production and improve the efficiency of land usage.


The usage of agrivoltaics has been accelerated because of a number of developments and structural solutions. They consist of:


Creating solar panels that work with agricultural methods: Solar panels may be made to be lightweight and modular so they may be put in and taken out without harming the land or crops. Depending on the needs of the various crops, they can also be changed to let more or less sunlight reach the plants.


Agrivoltaic systems can be fitted with sensors and control systems that keep track of the quantity of sunlight, temperature, and humidity in the crop area. Crop development and solar energy output can be optimised with the use of this information.


Using water-saving methods: Drip irrigation and rainwater collection are two examples of water-saving methods that can be used into agrivoltaic systems. As a result, less water is required to grow crops, which allows for more efficient use of water resources.


Developing new crops: Shaded areas are advantageous for the growth of some crops. The overall production of agrivoltaic systems can be raised by creating new crop types that are well-suited for growth in the shade.


Developing finance mechanisms: The upfront cost of installing agrivoltaic systems might be a hurdle for farmers. Making agrivoltaics more affordable for farmers may need the creation of finance mechanisms like subsidies or loans with low interest rates.


The usage of agrivoltaics can be accelerated and sustainable food and energy production can be encouraged with the help of these technologies and structural modifications.


To find out more details about Innovations and Structure Solutions to Accelerate the use of Agrivoltaics, join us on 8th - 9th November, 2023 for the 2nd Annual AgriVoltaics Europe, in Steigenberger Airport Hotel, Amsterdam, Netherlands.


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