Join Ingrid B. Lome at the Floating Solar PV Forum

Ingrid B. Lome holds an MSc in Marine Technology from NTNU, specializing in hydrodynamics. She has worked at MM since 2014, now as a senior naval architect with model tests, hydrodynamics, moorings, etc. She's been involved in MM’s floating solar power development since the beginning of 2019, from 2020 as project manager for the development and pilot projects. At the Floating PV Forum, she's set to speak on:

Moss Maritime and Equinor Floating solar Pilot Park
• MM XolarSurf: concept and design
• Designed for harsh near-coastal environment
• 1 MW pilot installation at Frøya, Norway


Other speakers at the forum include:


Anna Ebanoidze

Principal Banker, EBRD


Rolf Benjamin Johansen

Director for Floating Solar, Fred Olsen Renewables


Francisco Boshell

Renewable Energy Markets and Standards Analyst, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Toni Weigl

Head of Product Management Floating-PV, BayWa r.e. Solar Projects GmbH

