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About The Event (#recyclablewindblade)

With Recyclable wind turbine blades, what will be done today will possibly revolutionize the industry in the nearest future. One of the greatest challenges encountered hovers around the cost and production of Wind Turbine Blades which has taken a toll in the manufacturing of these blades. The likes of world-class industries like Siemens, GE wind and others are constantly looking out for technology that will help in bringing down the cost mobilized for wind energy and build more efficient blades with advanced materials in the future.

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Event Inclusions


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Event Highlight

Content Highlights Include


New Technologies for Wind Blade Recycling


Materials Separation and Processing Strategies


Recycling, Reuse and Repurposing Innovation


Wind Blade Decommissioning


Blade Sustainability and Circularity


Environmental Regulations and Safety Standards

Event Details

About the event

Wind turbine blades are challenging to recycle due to the composite materials used in their production. As a significant proportion of the installed EU wind fleet will come to the end of its lifetime between 2020 and 2030, the wind industry is required to deal with the challenge of how to dispose of rotor blades.

Bringing to you, a conference set aside to discuss the advanced and composite materials associated with recyclable wind turbine blades and challenges surrounding it’s production, including various manufacturing effects that may in turn hinder it’s durability and sustainability. 

Wind energy is a green energy, this also in the meaning of end-of-life. Therefore, OEMs and their customers see now, after the first large wind farms are de-commissioned, a huge amount of plastic trash upcoming, which will get larger quickly.

In Europe’s most mature markets for wind energy the first turbines are reaching the end of their operational life. The number of blades that have been decommissioned so far remains low. But it will increase over the coming years. We expect around 25,000 tonnes of blades to reach the end of their operational life annually by 2025. Germany and Spain will see the highest number of decommissioned blades, followed by Denmark. Towards the end of the decade Italy, France and Portugal will also start to significantly decommission blades and the annual decommissioned volume could double to 52,000 tonnes by 2030. Today, around 85-90% of wind turbines' total mass can be recycled and have established recycling practices in place. Wind turbine blades are more challenging to recycle, largely due to the composite materials used in their production/configuration. In 2021, the European Wind Industry called for a Europe-wide landfill ban on decommissioned wind turbine blades by 2025.

Wind turbine blades require removal or recycling when the turbines are decommissioned toward the finish-of-utilization stage, or when wind ranches are being updated in a cycle known as repowering. Repowering includes keeping a similar site and frequently keeping up with or reusing the essential framework for wind turbines however overhauling with bigger limit turbines.

The blades may be supplanted with more current and commonly bigger blades. In any case, the fiberglass blades, when they're presently not required, represent the best test to end-of-utilization contemplations for wind energy.

While it's feasible to cut the blades into a couple of pieces nearby during a decommissioning or repowering process, the pieces are as yet troublesome and expensive to ship for recycling or removal. What's more, the most common way of cutting the very impressive blades requires gigantic gear, for example, vehicle mounted wire saws or precious stone wire saws like what is utilized in quarries. Since there are not many choices for recycling the blades as of now, by far most of those that arrive at end-of-utilization are either being put away in different places or taken to landfills.

Advanced Materials and Recyclable Wind Turbine Blade Forum will discuss about various challenges faced by industries looking for solutions such as recycling and advanced materials produced and organized which will aid various manufacturers to design and produce high quality and durable blades while being cost.

Attendees from various parts of the world and different career professions seeking to collect knowledge and solutions surrounding wind turbine blades will gather in the Advanced Materials and Recyclable Wind Turbine Blade Forum to discuss how wind blades pose some significant and threatening environmental challenges as they become damaged or unusable. The forum will also discuss the environmental growth protection which will be achievable with the recycling and reusing of wind turbine blades.

Over the period of the conference, you will have the opportunity to discuss and understand interesting topics such as;

  • Discuss end-of-life strategies for wind blades
  • Sustainable future with wind energy
  • Review innovative wind blade design to decrease LCoE
  • How to increase the use of recycled materials into blade designs
  • Advanced components that support recyclable solutions
  • Gain insight into recyclable blades to find a cost-effective solution for the wind markets
  • Technological advancements of turbine blades made from the combination of composite materials cast together to produce lightweight structure while flexible.
  • Key areas to improve the recyclability and sustainability of blades and wider turbines
  • FRP system with the least carbon footprint
  • Re-usable resin with high material properties
  • Re-use of fibres / wind turbine blade recycling
  • Blade recyclability and circularity
  • Calculating the number of blades approaching end of service life

Do not miss the opportunity to join and partake in the Advanced Materials and Recyclable Wind Turbine Blade Forum where will be discussing the future of wind blade recycling & repurposing, end-of-life strategies for wind blades, the use of recycled materials into blade designs, how to improve recyclability and sustainability of blades and wider turbines, why is recycling an increasingly important issue for the wind industry and what are the challenges and opportunities of recycling wind turbines. The conference will also encompass an interactive session where scientists, researchers and attendees exchange ideas, explore, experience and get involved in sharing and consuming information and proven working solutions to tackle the problems surrounding the management of wind turbine blades.

This inspiring virtual forum is organized by Leadvent Group, set to provide a medium for a rich exchange of ideas and views on innovative solutions and untapped resources to the various issues relevant to engineers, scientist, technicians and interested individuals on recycling of wind blades and their advanced materials to tackle ad reduce carbon emission to the atmosphere.

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We will confirm the venue approximately 3-6 weeks prior to the event date and we will negotiate discounted room rate for conference attendees


Join us in Prague on the 31st May - 1st June, 2022


( TBA)


Coming soon, Coming soon Prague

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